For use only with genie model series 30xx or 40xx residential. Genie garagegate opener, parts, accessories manuals. Genie door garage door openers and overhead door openers and. Works with revolution series 1500, 1200 and models. Mar 25, 2018 have a house in the villages, fl, built in may of 2014, with a genie silent max revolution series installed that month and year. I just cut the go control wire to about 6 inches long. Genie excelerator ii 1500 1 hp direct screw drive dc. Genie garage door opener 3042 manual dandk organizer. Genie silentmax revolution series garage door opener. The genie silentmax 1200 garage door opener is the perfect option if your garage is attached to your home. Fix genie garage door opener screw drive repair carriage broken duration. Genie garage door opener everything to know about garage. We have 2 genie silentmax manuals available for free pdf download.
I have a genie silent max with a flashing red led that. How to reset and program genie wireless keypad remote pin. Genie silentmax 3042 operation and maintenance manual. Genie excelerator ii 1500 1 hp direct screw drive dc garage. Genie garage door opener silentmax 1200 user guide. Genie 3024 intellig belt or chain drive garage opener parts. I recently moved into a place with an odyssey from overhead door which i think is just a rebranded genie silentmax. Installing genie silent max garage door opener youtube. How do i program my new master transmitter for my genie. Genie 36359r garage door opener girud1t receiver, remote, and transformer. This page displays genie compatible intellig repair parts, genie compatible intellig 3024 repair parts, genie compatible intellig 3024h repair parts, genie compatible chainmax repair parts, genie compatible chainmax 3022 repair parts, genie compatible odyssey and odyssey 7030 repair parts, genie compatible garage door opener repair parts, genie compatible garage door quietlift. View online or download genie intellicode 1024 user manual, owners manual, manual.
Get a great deal with this online auction for a garage door opener presented by property room on behalf of a law enforcement or public agency client. Genie, genie logo, intellicode, safetbeam, intellig, powermax, powerlift, chainmax and silentmax are registered trademarks trilog and gpower are. Wall mounted remote and portable remotes dont work. Genie garage door opener replacement parts the genie. Feb 25, 2018 garage door opener not working on my genie silentmax garage door opener. How to program genie garage door opener intellig model. S motor assembly for residential operator models 1022, 1024, 1042. Standard safety and security features on the genie silentmax are similar to other genie garage door openers.
Press updwn, the red led on the motor will go out and the keypad will stay illuminated for about 30 seconds. I bought it 3212012 at home depot so it is mostly out of warranty by now. In addition to model 3024 garage door openers like the intellig, this circuit board will work with overhead door series 3 model 7030 systems. We have 5 genie intellicode 1024 manuals available for free pdf download. Jun 06, 2015 i have a new genie silentmax garage door opener, mod. Silentmax model 3042 genie retailline garage door. Standard safety and security features on the genie silentmax 1200 are similar to othergenie garage door openers. Genie silentmax garage door opener connected things. Use our part lists, interactive diagrams, accessories and expert repair advice to make your repairs easy. Jan 05, 20 installing genie silent max garage door opener.
The model silentmax, silentmax 1200 is still available. Genie excelerator 2 garage door opener manual dandk organizer. I have the same problem garage door opener genie silentmax, revolution series wont open or close door using the wall control, but i can turn onoff the light using the wall control, and both the large and small lights on the opener are constantly red. With the door disengaged from the opener the shuttle moves back and forth about 4 and stops. In addition to the genie 3024 circuit board assembly, north shore commercial door co. Genie garage door opener girud2t receiver, 2 remotes, and transformer. Silentmax model 3042 genie retailline garage door openers. If your garage door opener craftsman, liftmaster, chamberlain, genie, sommer, decko has no power but it is plugged in, the circuit breaker is on, and you know for sure the electrical outlet has power, then there is something in the garage door opener that is faulty.
If you have any questions or do not understand an instruction, call the genie company or your local. This model comes with a 140v dc motor that is lighter in weight and provides ultraquiet and smooth operation, so that your family will not be disturbed by a noisy garage door opener. In addition to the main garage door assemblies and components for the reliag, intellig and trilog product lines, youll also be able to find remote controls, keypads, carriages, infrared sensors and other parts for your genie garage door opener. The silentmax garage door opener features a genie steelreinforced belt, making it very quiet and the ideal choice for garages attached to living spaces. Providing excellent customer service and assistance for over 25 years. Genie silentmax doesnt work from any remote youtube.
Genie 3024 intellig belt or chain drive garage opener. That means that if you were to buy this exact same opener from a garage door dealer, it would be called intelligtm but it is the exact same opener. Helpful information and tips to help make sure you get the right replacement part for your model garage door opener the first time to get it back up and running quickly. Electric garage door opener stopped working no power. The silentmax is the dealer equivalent of intelligtm. I think i could do the soldering on an extra remote control as suggested in other threads, but would like to see some details on this approach first as it wouldnt require buying an additional remote or two. Genie silentmax manuals manuals and user guides for genie silentmax. For example, safetbeam infrared garage door sensors and a manual door release are standard on all genie models. These are genuine genie replacement parts for repairing garage door openers. All of our products are compatible with genie door opener brands such as alliance, norelco, blue max. Genie compatible garage door opener parts intellig. We are a discount reseller of garage door opener remotes, repair parts, keyless entry and gate operator controls. Intellig, 3024, 3024h, chainmax, 3022, overhead door garage door opener odyssey, 7030, silent max 3042 all models may not be listed.
Find genie model pmx500 parts and installation manuals, as well as genie silentmax parts and genie intellig manuals and parts. If you need to replace the circuit board on your genie 3024 model garage door opener, silentmax, and chainmax. Jun 11, 2016 press updwn, the red led on the motor will go out and the keypad will stay illuminated for about 30 seconds. Genie silentmax revolution series no power by jon posted on october 29, 2019 answer. You will need to check the internal components of your. Genie control board 38878rs non configured with series ii wall console. Genie garage door opener stopped working after a power.
Genie intellig model 3024 belt drive or chain drive openers. We have genie stealth belt drive model parts and parts for genie powermax, reliag and trilog models. S, representing the fact that this circuit board is the latest offering from genie company. Genie garage door openers and overhead door garage door openers parts. Genies youtube channel offers howto videos on programming your opener and changing the openers speeds o please note. Garage door opener parts for genie model garage door openers.
I just installed the go control linear garage door opener on a genie silentmax with success. This circuit board is standard on intellig garage door openers. Repair parts home appliance parts genie parts genie garage door opener parts genie belt chain drive parts genie 3024 intellig. Looking for the manual to genie 450 a previous thread. How to program genie garage door opener intellig model 3024 duration. Unfortunately, many garage door parts offered for sale online are actually lowquality counterfeits.
Download the owners manual for overhead door products including garage doors and garage. Genie silentmax 1200 model 4042tkh garage door opener. I looked though manual and could not find how to fix it. The silentmax model 3042 is a genie garage door opener that provides quiet performance. Silentmax 3042 garage door opener pdf manual download.
This model comes with a 140v dc motor that is lighter in weight and provides ultraquiet and smooth operation, so that your family will not be disturbed by a. Genie door garage door openers and overhead door openers. Even some sellers that seem reputable are selling knockoff, counterfeit products in order to keep their costs and their prices lower than the competition. Genie company is phasing out the series iii wall units and reverting to the series ii devices. It will not open the garage door because the unit is not turning on. Find the user manual you need for your home appliance products and more at manualsonline. The genie chainmax garage door opener offers a durable 140v dc motor complete with a limited lifetime warranty and the accessories you need. If your garage door opener craftsman, liftmaster, chamberlain, genie, sommer, decko has no power but it is plugged in, the circuit breaker is on, and you know for sure the electrical outlet has power, then there is something in the garage door opener. I have a new genie silentmax garage door opener, mod. I ordered the genie dry contact adapter part 380r to sit between the go control and the genie opener. Genie model silentmax, silentmax 1200 residential opener owners manual and instructions in pdf format at no charge. Sep 08, 2016 i recently moved into a place with an odyssey from overhead door which i think is just a rebranded genie silentmax.
I have a genie silent max with a flashing red led. This video teaches how to program genie intellicode keypad. Garage door opener user manual the excelerator garage door opener by genie owners manuals 3042 tkh silentmax belt drive. I installed the opener and while programming the device, i over extended the door and it stopped. The chainmax garage door opener features a genie enclosed cchannel rail allowing for flushmounting capability and a clean appearance while ensuring the highest levels of safety and many years of. Genie silentmax 1200 34 hp dc power plus motor belt drive. Now that your genie garage door opener is installed, you will want to program the opener so that the door opens and closes properly and all remote devices operate correctly. Genie revolution series chain max 34 hpc chain drive garage door opener. Genie revolution series chain max 34 hpc chain drive.
Garage door opener not working on my genie silentmax garage door opener. Genie series i wall round led turns blue blue buttons and series ii wall consoles will not work. Jun 25, 2019 i just installed the go control linear garage door opener on a genie silentmax with success. Need a wall button or console to operate your genie garage door opener system.
Genie silentmax, silentmax 1200 residential door opener. Accessory or vehicle owners manual for full details and instructions. View and download genie silentmax 3042 operation and maintenance manual online. Default sorting sort by popularity sort by latest sort by price. Genie garage door opener users manual series 27 pages. I have been having problems with my genie silentmax garage door opener. Genie ger2 garage door opener universal emergency release kit 35675r. The silentmax model 3042 is a genie garage door opener that provides quiet performance, superior design and maximum convenience. Genie intellig 3024 genie silentmax 3042 genie 1028. Click here to view and order parts for genie chainbelt drive garage door openers genie intellicode door openers and overhead door garage codedodger. Genie garage door opener keypad programing instructions. Genie garage door opener replacement parts the genie company. Genie intellig garage door opener circuit board assembly. Genie garage door opener stopped working after a power surge.
Need to fix your 3024 intellig belt or chain drive garage opener. Learn how to program the genie garage door opener intellig model 3024. Genie garage door opener circuit board assembly 37470r3sgenie. With genie, youre assured a fantastic product at an even better price. Genie model 3024 formerly intellig model 3024 formerly intellig model 3024, 140v dc motor, belt or chain drive, intellig pro series. The dc motor and belt drive allow for quiet, smooth operation and soft start and soft stop. Intellig devices have belt or chain drives and feature genie technology such as geniesense, intellicode and homelink and car2u. Oct 03, 2011 genies youtube channel offers howto videos on programming your opener and changing the openers speeds o please note. Genie silentmax 1200 model 4042tkh garage door opener with. This is a current model which can be found at the genie website. It has been doing this intermittently for a month or so now and then sometimes it starts working again after i try it 10 times or more.
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